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Golden Bristlenose


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My golden bristlenose bred for the 1st time.

On Tuesday morning the male was guarding some yellow eggs in a pot under himself. I'm new to breeding bristlenose and not sure what to do next. i need some help because i don't want them to get eaten by my cichlids. Thanx

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Do you have any option in terms of transferring eggs to safer place, even to an egg bubbler system in that tank.

Otherwise I'd suggest getting some more wood rocks etc and stacking around the pot to make it hard for cichlids to get near and for lots of nooks and cranny's for fry to hide in when they leave cave . Anything with some algae on it would be best where some of the young can at least get to a more defenable size.

What are the tankmates?

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you would need to put an air stone in there and get it so some amount of current you in can get there.

if you can do When the eggs get to wrigglers with tails you will more chance for survival. Also put some plants or something to stop the cichlids noticing them too much.

Maybe start planning ahead and get a bamboo cave in the tank for nxt time. A lot easier to take dad and eggs.

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Sucked through the bottom of the net is my guess...it happens I'm afraid :cry:

The other option is to float them in an ice cream container in the tank or remove em to a completely different tank (if that's an option).

Dont worry too much once they get the hang of breeding it will become pretty regular, It took me about 3 or 4 goes before I managed to grow any out beyond 30 days now I get almost zero losses on each batch.

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In reality the only real solution is to get another tank...or 3 just in case :lol: once they start spawning and if you have a good pair you may have several tanks full before you know it.MTS? whats MTS?

Oh and FYI I have had magnificent results raising my BN fry on trout pellets, soo much cheaper than Zuchinni and less messy just suck up the sludge every day before it goes manky and gets covered in fungus.

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