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Algea - An Overview


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Good Stuff Kiwi, thanx for posting that site here.

I was wondering, how good are Siamese Algae Eaters as community fish?

Ive got:

4 x Angels

1 x Neon Tetra

1 x Bronze Cory

1 x Blue Dwarf Gourami

2 x Red Phantom Tetras

Ive got a real algae problem, and I was wondering if I could put a couple into my tank.

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FYI SAE's are good when they are young but get lazy (i.e. stop controlling algae) when they get to full size. Also some have been know to damage (suck on to) larger slow flat fish like your angels. I could be wrong here and it might be the other fish commonly sold as SAE that does this. Telling the difference is a little tricky I haven't done it for a few years but from memory the stripe down the body goes into the tail in one and not the other, check the web for details thats how I found out.

Have you considered a bristlenose plec instead? Good algae eaters, none of the problems as with the above and as a plus are very (almost too eazy!) to sex and breed. Watch you don't get over run!

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The fish with the reputation for sucking onto the side of large flat fish is the Oto, not the SAE.

They're quite good except that, as the original article noted, a small percentage of them become "attack otos".

I'm with you, suphew, on the bristlenoses. Not an elegant fish, but plenty of personality.

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I think the SAE do it more because of agresion than food, I know they do this because I had one that left marks all over my discus, I might have just been very unlucky and had a bad one. I guess just some thing to watch out for. Interestingly I had Otos after I got rid of the SAE and never had any problems, I just couldn't keep them alive! Think my water was too soft.

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The bleach method works well but note he suggested dipping new plants in it - not putting bleach into the tank. He says to dip the plant in the bleach solution, rinse it well then wash it in water using chlorine remover. If you do this there won't be any bleach in your tank.

As an aside, I believe it also gets rid of any snails eggs on the plants.

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