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CFL's over T8's?


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I'm currently running two 30w tubes over my 3ft aquarium, the plants used to grow sweet as. I let the bulbs die out and then replaced them but the plants (even new ones I put in) aren't doing well. I'm getting really sick of it.

Should I just sell it and get three or four CFL's wired to one plug?


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The main disadvantage of using CFL's is the life expectancy you are looking at about 8000 hours for your average CFL at end of life you will be down to 70% of your initial lumen output, hence relamp at about 5000 hours or every 1.5 years depending on photo period.

Fluorescents (good ones) on electronic start gear will live to approx 15000 hours, lumen depreciation is slightly better hence I'd relamp after 2.5-3 years.

Depends on if that shortened life concerns you or not :D



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The main disadvantage of using CFL's is the life expectancy you are looking at about 8000 hours for your average CFL at end of life you will be down to 70% of your initial lumen output, hence relamp at about 5000 hours or every 1.5 years depending on photo period.

Fluorescents (good ones) on electronic start gear will live to approx 15000 hours, lumen depreciation is slightly better hence I'd relamp after 2.5-3 years.

Depends on if that shortened life concerns you or not :D



Given the relatively low cost of the replacements, and their fraction of the total running cost of the tank, I don't think it's really an issue to worry about.

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I'm going to redo my tank again. Don't know what I'm going to do with the fish. I'm not selling my proven pair of BN's and their bubba can go in my fighter's tank. Anyone want to buy two young Kribs and one (maybe two) platies? And a narrow leafed sword plant?

If the lights I buy work and I can get my hands on some Ambulia, Sag and Val, this is what the tank will look like. Val at back left, Ambulia back centre, Polysperma at back right and sag at the front. Hoping to make a crazy jungle tank as I'm sick of having algae and no living plants.


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