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A Couple of Big Thank You to All at the Frag Swap


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Big thank you to Steve for being the host and resident sales rep

A big thank you to everyone who came to Steves last sunday for the frag swap/sale at Steves house over 20 people attended and it was great to meet fellow reefers.

A big thank you to the guys who swappedand bought corals from me. My tank was looking very crowded (still is) and I needed to move corals as they are beginning to muscle in on each other.

I cannot believe that I took loads of mushrooms and xenia. and came home with different colour mushrooms and different xenia. If anyone has seen my tank you will now that I really donot need any more xenia or mushrooms.

Next NZMAS meeting we will be along the normal lines of discussion and afternoon tea at a Reef Tank in Auckland somewhere!!

I have enough names to form the Society properly now so when thing settle down at home(new arrival!!) I will get on with it.

I would welcome some help and guideance in running this club and would like to here from anyone who would like to be on a commitee. We can then be sure that the club is a club for all and not an off shoot of Pacificaquaria Ltd


A BIG BIG BIG thank you to my wife Christine for a 50min labour(OUCH) :o and a beautiful baby girl.

Good reefing and may your corals grow as quickly as mine :D:D:D


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