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little brown things


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i noticed alot of little brown specs on the glass and rocks

they would be 2mm at the most

today while staring at some baby shrimp things playing i noticed that they are alive, they seem to be little slugs or something


oh and the little shrimpy things? about 3mm, just scooting around the tank bottom, they dont look like your classic pods, but more like tiny shrimp, the larger ones are red and have a small white spot close to the head on the back and the smaller ones pinkish white.


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The brown things are likely flatworms, They are a pain in the butt and can be controlled with Salifert Flatworm exit.

The flatworms are not directly harmful, but just look bad, and can shade corals if they build up to plague proportions. When they die they release a very powerful toxin so if killing them en masse with Salifert FE, make sure to follow the instructions to avoid any fish death.

The shrimpy things are likely mysis, good to have in the tank. But the red with white dot sounds like baby lysmata, not sure if you have any adults of these that could have spawned them. If so they will probably not survive to adulthood.

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If they are flatworm the will come out when the lights are on, not off.

A sixline wrasse 'may' eat them, mine didn't. Also mandarins 'may' eat them, mine didn't. Scooter blennies 'may' eat them, mine didn't. Leapoard Wrasse may eat them, don't have one.

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I think a 6 line will eat a few only. Therefore, if you got thousands of them, the wrasse will not do the job. But if there is just a few of them the wrasse will either keep them under control, or exterminate totally.

My flatworms dissapeared when I put a 6 line in, although I never saw him eat any, I thought they must have just died or something.

However, later, I put a new piece in the tank and saw the wrasse taking a lot of interest in it. When I took a closer look, there was a heap of flatworms on it. However the wrasse was having such a good time as I watched him eating them I left them in for him. But once he had enough he lost interest. It took maybe a couple of weeks for him to get them all.

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