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Cockatoo and Kribs Pics


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I thought I'd add some old pics of mine from the last time my kribs and Cockatoos bred. The Photos were taken with my phone so aren't the greatest quality.

Heres some pics of my female Cockatoo and some fry




Heres the Dad


A close up on the fry


And the female krib and fry


The parents and fry together


Hope you enjoy the pics.

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Thanks for sharing :bounce: They're pretty good pics considering 8)

Thanks. It's seems easier to take pics with my phone than with the camera for some reason as you can't get a clear photo and zoom right in with the camera.

oooh that is so exciting! how hard were they to breed? they are both very nice fish but i havent kept any myself yet. maybe i should look into getting some...

They're really easy to breed but I can't raise the cockatoo fry very well. I usually take them out but they seem to slowly disappear so I'm going to leave them with the parents. The kribs would be easier to breed and have bigger fry so are easy to raise but the cockatoos have more fry but the fry are harder to raise

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Thanks Tracy. They seem to breed less often but in larger numbers as they've gotten older. From now on I'm just going to leave the fry with the parents until they raise them.

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