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Fish training school kit


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seen it done on Mythbusters with goldfish

similar to this

When I was a kid I had a goldfish called Pete who could tell you when he was hungry by spitting stones on to the side of the tank to make a plinking noise. He kind of came up with that by himself though.

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That's because he has you trained, not the other way around!

There was a cartoon around a few years ago with two lab rats in a cage and a scientist looking into the cage, one rat says to the other 'Look, when I push this button the guy runs into the other room and gets the other guy to come in here and look at us".

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If its a female it should come naturally, if its a male i think you should give up now :lol:

hehe just kiddn

Well I'm a female and vacuuming and dusting certainly doesn't come naturally to me... hence the need for a trained fish to do it! :roll:

Hmmm... I could spend a couple of hours doing housework or a couple of hundred hours training my fish to do it... Yep - the fish training definitely wins! :bounce:

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I use to have a female fighter that would jump for food. I could get her to jump pretty high but then she died :( . If you're trying to get a fighter to jump for food I'd use the females as the males fins drag them down a bit.

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My puffers are kinda trained. They swim through hoops, and I've trained them to swim into containers in the tank so I can move them with minimal stress. They come to the front when I tap twice on the glass, and when I tap once, they go to their sleeping slots. I've also taught them to handfeed, which sounds easy, but it's actually time consuming. They also let me pet their heads. I don't want to teach them to jump because I don't want them to accidently jump out of the tank.

By all means, train your fish. They enjoy it. It gives them something to do, and keeps them mentally interested.

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