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Shrimp as food?


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First I would check the ingredients - is it really just shrimp? No added flavours, oil, etc?

Then I would say go for it. My clown loaches love frozen (thawed) shrimp. I just put single shrimps into the tank, not chopped up or anything.

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Frozen shrimp is the main ingredient in my home made frozen food it is awesome..

I just chuck some shrimp and some cooked veges (peas carrots potatoes broccoli pumpkin + whatever else I have lying around) some garlic and some dissolved gelatine into the blender and blend it..

I made a couple of different mixes (vary the blending time) so that I have some with big chucks for the big african tank and some that is very fine for the guppies and babies.

After it is blended stick it in fish bags and squash it out flat and freeze it you can just break off bits as you need it.

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