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R.I.P Bristlenoses


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Very sad day for me today, I lost my 2 beautiful bristlenoses :cry:

We were running a lil 22L tank with a mini sump set up, which my boyfriend designed and maintained seeing as I am a complete novice. Said boyfriend decided to add daphinia to the tank a few days ago, to try encourage them to breed as food for our dwarf puffers. For some absurd reason without my knowledge, said boyfriend decided to turn off the pump yesterday. We went away for the weekend, and when we arrived home around noon today there was no life whatsoever in the tank. Assuming the warmer water temperature killed the daphinia and that sent nitrate levels though the roof in a tank full of stagnant water, this led to killing my poor babies.

Lesson learned: my fish = my responsibility.

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Thanks, yes it was upsetting indeed since I'd had them for almost a year. Very gutted :(

Might try my luck with some golden bristlenoses next time.

At the moment the daphinia are surviving in a 5L bucket of water, but seeing as we have a spare small tank we might try shifting them somewhere with more movement in the water. Thanks for the advice!

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