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Watts per gallon?


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Can't find any info on Watts per Litre so I had to use Watts per Gallon.

My 54L tank works out to be 14.265290842413979067820198942795 Gallons (15 Gallons :lol: )

I'm going to run my 2x 6500k Cool Daylight and 2x 5000 and something Cool White tubes, both 18w over my 30cm tall aquarium.

This works out to be 4.8 WPG with only 18w of intensity.

What can I grow in this?


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You should be able to grow most plants.But will need to add ferts and carbon(either Co2 or carbon additive such as Flourish Excel)

Its about minimum light for things like Glosso, but you will be able to grow most stem plants and Swords etc.


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Im thinking my Polysperma, Bacopa and adding some Rotala and Ambulia.

Hairgrass and Riccia, maybe HC if we have it here or Glosso. Some dwarf Sag too.

I'm getting some PMDD off HaNs but that hasn't arrived yet, using JBL Fert Balls in the sand and I'll be running DIY CO2 through the filter.

Sound okay?

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Try here, there is a calculator that works for gallons or litres, it does not, however take the depth of the tank into consideration.


I grew some of the plants you mentioned in a 54l tank with great success only using a double 15w fitting with the lamps that came with the fitting - can't remember the brand.

No ferts or Co2 and I was dredging the Ambulia out weekly because it grew too fast and shaded the hairgrass on the bottom.

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