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Iteresting - All I have heard about the coastlands guy is very unflattering. Suggesting things like UV are completely nessessary to the survival of a marine tank, Untergravel filters are the best way to filter the marines etc. Source - 5 different people who have come to me after have problems or needing advice on why its not working well.

Also me a guy with a 6 week old tank, was sold a Mandarin, Cleaner Wrassee & BiColour Angel and several stone corals and an anemone. All dead. Still not a bad sale for the shop. Nothing like the shops supporting the hobby.


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To be honest there is no sure fire way, other than finding eggs and babies. It's a guess at best. Males tend to have a more diamond shaped body, females are more oval. Some say males have longer banners, but i'm not sure on that one. Juveniles are even harder to attempt to sex.

So short answer, even people that study these fish extensively can not sex them reliably from just looking at them. They may get it right only 75% of the time.


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Yeah, Pies, his marine knowledge seems at best to be extremely outdated. But, he's the only one in the Wellington area... Had a chat with him today, he didn't have a clue what I was talking about when I said I wanted a PC bulb. Helpful guy as far as he goes, though.

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