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big clown loache's


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itll only be worth as much as someone is willing to pay

in saying that i got a 15cm loach for a 100 bucks cos i thought it was worth it

but where as a 25-30 cm loach id only pay maybe 150 max as you would need quite a big tank

and u also have to think about how often these guys come up for sale

if its a reasonable price id say grab it

unless ur selling 8)

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I think it would depend on a lot of factors - but it all boils down to how much someone wants it! If you're selling I would suggest putting it on an auction site and see where it goes. If buying, the factors I would consider are:

  • Condition - is it healthy and active?
  • Age - if it is that big it's likely to be pretty old - what kind of life span are you wanting from it?
  • Your own setup - are you able to give a large fish like this everything it needs for a happy and healthy life? (Swimming space, filtration, food, companions...)

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