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yah my fighters are spawning :) + pics


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  • 4 weeks later...

well i know at least 8 have died over the last couple of weeks, but i've somehow got more now than 3 weeks ago lol. I counted them as i moved them to a bigger tank a few weeks ago, and there were 21. Now there's at least 28 :o

plus one little one that was heaps smaller, and didn't look right, i first noticed it a couple of weeks ago and i've been trying since to get a better look at it, but it hides well and several times i gave up looking and assumed it had been eaten. Finally got a look at it today and realised its a baby killie :)

I hatched some out in a little tray on the shelf above the betta tank, he must have jumped out lol.

the betta babies meanwhile are about 1-1 1/2cm now including their tails, and most of them have got some very faint colour on their bottom fins. A few have quite strong red there, and i notice they're the ones with the darkest stripes too. There's a couple of much paler ones that don't seem to have stripes, maybe they'll be white or cambodian? And a couple have hints of irridescent green in the sun. Can't wait to see what colours they grow into :bounce:

Here's the best pic i've been able to get, its one of the smaller ones


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  • 5 weeks later...

time for an update :)

they're getting bigger slowly, not as fast as i hoped though, think i need to get some novotom for next time. They're about 2cm + now. Still have about the same amount, i pulled out the biggest 10 last week and put them in jars so the smaller ones can try to catch up, i think there's about 15 of the smaller ones, maybe more since they're so hard to count lol.

One of them coloured up a week or so before any of the others, and is heaps brighter than them still, he's my favourite, in the pic. Looks like lots of colours coming out now, there's a few green ones, red and green, red finned ones that might be cambodian, some funny lavender looking ones, and i think a pair of white ones. The jarred ones are funny to watch, flaring at their neighbours with their tiny tails :)


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well i thought they were growing really slow, but compared to that pic from a month ago they look huge and colourful. Think i need to divide up a big tank so i can keep my favourites.

I had to take the baby killie out last week too, she was starting to pick on them a bit. Looked funny because she was exactly the same size and tried to blend in with them, but completly different shape, way of swimming etc.

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its a little female striatum :)

i hatched out my first lot of eggs from them and the australes, in trays a few shelves up from the bettas. Then i moved them into a tank and the heater cooked them by mistake :(

So i was very glad to find this little one who had leapt out and down...down...down into the tank below to masquerade as a betta

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yup, the bigger white one has quite a long tail now, but i'd never be able to get it on camera lol. Some of the greener ones are getting longer too, they seem to have suddenly started growing in length the last two days. The blue one in the pic has started getting longer too, the rays have grown branches and a small new clear bit of length. I spend way too much time staring at them, they change so fast.

One of the greenish ones is quite dark, almost looks like coppery black on parts of it, can't wait to see what colour it turns out :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

here's an update pic

they are 2 1/2 months now, still little, i think i fed them microworms too long, but was worried about killing them off with too many bbs or something, thought it better to have small surviving fishis for my first try. Will be loading them up with novotom and bbs next time :)

there are a few of the dark blackish green ones, 4 or 5 white ones, and lots of these pale green and lavender ones, only two blue like dad. The one on the top left is still my favourite, he's got a good spread to his tail now and looks like he's getting the butterfly edges. Their tails are branching off lots now too, they seem to grow longer and wider every time i feed them. White ones fins have got a bit darker, they're pale first thing in the morning but by afternoon they are grey and black, and their bodies have a pale blue irridesence, strange. I think i can pick the boys out now, at least, half of them have much longer tails and especially bottom fins, the others are still short.

The girl up the top right is pulling faces :lol:


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the lilac-y one is missing them, but the rest have them, they're just flicked back when i try to snap them. The lilac one is a funny fish, doesn't seem quite right, so he/she might have to stay as a pet with our other few munter fishes. But there are some nice normal ones that colour if you want one when they're ready :)

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i think some of the others are lilac too, but that one has got alot darker this afternoon suddenly, deeper purple now. Its strange how they change colour so much, between morning and evening. When they're ready to go i'll post up pics of the ones i want homes for and hopefully there'll be one to suit you :)

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