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Just started first marine setup


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Hi I just started up my first marine system a week ago. it is only a 75 litre set up as we want to move house soon. we have coral and coral sand set up and I hear that the best way to get it all going and cycling the best is to get some live sand or similar in there from another tank. Unfortuntely, shops don't sell that stuff. Would it be wise to get some from the beach? I am not too keen on doing that as Auckland beaches are not too healthy. I have put some fish pieces in there but it is not doing much. Is there anywhere you can get some live sand in central auckland so we can get some decent stuff growing?

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is it native or tropical? from what i understand you can't use sand from new Zealand beaches as it contains some or alot of silicon to get the right information put this in the saltwater section with all the details or your tank the guys in there are very helpfull adn really on to it when it comes to saltwater tanks

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hey chris

good on ya first of all

in auckland you have heaps of people that can help you out

you should look at going to steves on sunday if you can, that way you can meet a lot of people to help you, have a look at a nice tank and get ideas for yours, he also has a tank with live rock to sell

as for the sand, dont get stuff from the beach unless your setting up for a native tank (even then watch out cause of the silicates in it and other unknowns)

come on over to the marine section when your ready :wink:

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