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Which fish in which tank?


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My daughter decided she wanted keep some goldfish and neons. So we got two tanks with the idea of one being warm and one cold. .

However after several trips to the pet shop and not the best advice we bought a fan tail ( 5cm without tail) , a comet (6cm without tail) , a bristlenose , a catfish, and two guppies( as there were no neons). We aquired these over a couple of months.

Now we have 50 odd guppies - and another tank for the fry. It's a real learning curve!!

From reading the forums I realise I should have researched better before buying the fish.

It seems goldfish need alot of space and comets shouldn't be in with fantails but in a pond. The tank they are in is about 100l but tall 60cm by 60cm. DD doesn't want to part with the goldfish so we are looking to get a larger tank within the next year and eventually getting the comet into a pond. How long can I leave them in this tank before upgrading? And what size tank should I get?

The tropical tank is only 50l and DD would like to get rid of all guppies ( the pet shop is taking them) except 3 males and three females ( but keep them separate) and get 6 neons. We also read that the catfish prefer not to be alone and we should get another at least.

I have been told I can keep the bristlenose (and guppies) in with the goldfish at around 21 degrees as she was bred in cooler water.

Would you do this? Or will the goldfish be unhappy- the goldfish tank was warmer than this in the summer without a heater.

How would you arrange all these fish?

Otherwise if I keep just the goldfish in the 100l without a heater then the 50l would have 3 guppies , 6 neons, a bristlenose and 2 catfish. Is that too many for that size tank?

I could then keep the other 3 guppies in the 27l tank.

Thanks for your advice

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21 is a bit cooler than the bristlenose and guppies would like, but they should be ok.

What kind of catfish do you have? There are over 2000 different catfish species kept in the aquarium trade around the world and dozens(or more) kept in NZ.

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