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What tail type is my Betta?


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nice coloring sam :)

yup twinkles got it right and i do the same thing with mine

what happens if they see each other all day long they seem to stop flaring altogether

by carding them off you can either let them see each other or by using a mirror train them to flare at you

eventually removing the mirror altogether and getting them to flare at you once they see you

its quite amazing

i had a really welll trained halfmoon male who used to let you pat him . would eat from your fingers and flare on demandor when you walked into the room... sadly he died :(

havent had the time to train any others up lately

plus i had a delta that i managed to train / excersise till his spread was about 180-190 degres

you wouldnt even had known he was a delta looked like a halfmoon :)

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my male betta doesn't need a mirror to flare although it does get a feistier response.

He flares at my finger on the glass and follows it along , the whole time flaring.. and the end of a bic pen works equally well (the click bit part) .. especially a black one! - I got that trick from an obscure site about betta training.. it's a makeshift "angry stick" .. people who fight their bettas (bad them!) get a stick with a black dot on the end and train their betta to flare up on demand.. so I got a black pen and got an instant response from mine.. weird aye!

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I've read that site too.

I'm not sure about Betta fighting, they don't just put two fish in a jar for the sick pleasure of it. It's part of their (thai Betta breeders) history and the rarely let fish fight to the death. If their fish wins, they get some money. If it loses, they put it in a jar and bring it back to health. The 5 star fighters fetch quite a bit on AquaBid, much more than the fancy ones. I'd be keen to get my hands on some true fighters, not for fighting puropses but they look so cool, nearly wild.

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Guess I'll be making cards after school then. I want them to have nice strong fins

Thanks nyclo, I only really noticed it when he was in the sun.

Does having peat under the sand benifit them in any way?


peat adds tannins to the water which subsequently lowers ph and drops the KH (hardness)

so it does have some benefits :P

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Lol Bikbok I just tried the pen trick on Coby and it works well, he follows my finger around usually but doesnt flare up, the pen tho, I wonder what it is about them.

haha cool aye. You'll probably find that after a few pen flares he'll start to do the same to your finger too.

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