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Aquascaped my Tank !


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I never got a credit card ntill just recently (age 22) i don't really see the point

The only reason I would like to have a credit card is so I can mail order stuff from overseas. For example, www.zest.co.th sells PC games for under $40, and I dont have a credit card, so its very hard for me to order. Its not taht I dont have the money, but I just cannot find a method of making a payment. If I had a card, I could pay them off easy.


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Could be a silly question, but did you take the weights of the plants?

When it comes time to trim the ambulia, trim it hard. A couple of leaf joins above the gravel. This will make it grow up nice and straight without branching. If you trim it high, the stems will branch and roots will grow down from the joins resulting in a tangle of roots. If you trim a couple of stems regularly you will always have some tall ones forming a screen.

What type of lighting do you have?

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Nop, I did not take the weights off the plants. Just stuck em in the gravel.

BTW, theres a problem now. Since I added JBL's "The 7 Balls" fertilizer, Im having algae bloom (I think). The algae is everywhere. Its even on the plants. THe plants are discoloured because of the algae. Can someone tell me what the problem is here? I had a problem like this before, and I solved it by adding more plants to leech nutrients that algae needs. But In this case, there is already a lot of plants in there, and I don't know what to do. Strangely, there is a LINE of algae growing in my tank: See Pic.

My Algae is growing in a Rather Strange spot.


Any help appreciated.

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Sorry, should have also added to the fertilisation advice that it isn't necessary immediately, the plants usually come with a good supply of trace elements. Restocking the trace elements is one of the main reasons I use fertiliser (the fish are there to provide the other stuff).

To get rid of the algae turn off the lights for a couple of days. Neither the plants nor the fish will notice, but it will knock the algae back. Also shorten the length of the day if it much over 10 hours. The theory is that the algae gets more out of a longer day than the plants do. I've never been sure if this is correct, but it works for me.

Get more plants anyway, the fish will love you for it (right up to the point where they can't swim for lack of space).

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Try some indian fern. Take it out of the pot and let it/them float on top of the water. They grow really big quickly, draw up tons of nutrients and cut down light entering the water. Reproduces easily. A leaf will start to disintergrate as it grows new mini plants on it. These will then seperate.

You need to take the weights of. The vallisaneria reproduces by sending of runner shoots from the base. The weights stop them doing this most of the time. I would plant the ambulia as single stems. It will look more natural, cover a larger area and be easy for the fish to swim through. You may just need to bury the stems deeper.

I would take the clay balls out if you can and give the tank some good water changes to get the nutrient levels under control. Get some algae eaters like bristlenoses or blackline flying foxes. They will help.

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