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help please, cae is destroying our tank!


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In my daughters community tank we have a golden algae eater called Algae, and last night he decided to start digging holes.

I've been told he's really a she, because he has the 'round' look of a female, do you think s/he's trying to make a nest?

He's never dug before, but went mad all of a sudden and dug a hole down the bottom glass, which is a problem because the substrate is 2cm of river sand, with 2cm of gravel on top = sand all over our tank now, and foggy water full of sand.

I siphoned up as much sand as i could, and put some gravel back in the hole, but he dug it out again. He has a barrel cave thingy that he likes and spends most of his time in, do you think he needs another house?

I'm thinking i might have to put him in a different tank, but i don't really want to, or take the whole tank apart and get rid of all the sand, but that would be a huge job.

Any ideas why he's suddenly doing this?

Or how to stop him?

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