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Kuhli loach up the filter!!! - scratched


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One of my Kuhlis got himself up the filter , luckily we were there when it happened and we removed all the media so he could wiggle back through the trickle holes.

We tried to pick him up but that just made him panic a bit and he tried jumping and forcing himself through the grid etc..

He is swimming around in the tank fine now BUT he has scratches/scrapes down one side.

I've dosed the water with stress coat but is there anything else I should do?

They don't like salt do they?

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He should be fine. This has happened to me a few times and I didn't find them till I cleaned the filter but I just put them back in the tank and they sat there for a few days but came right eventually.

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I managed to get a picture .. you can see the white scratches and scrapes.. The biggest is near the back in the brown bar. They are only on one side of his body.

He has been ok for the rest of the day, swimming , dancing etc.

Hope he will be ok ...


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The scratches look like they'll be ok. You've already added stress coat, and maybe a water change to keep the pH and ammonia stable would be good, but otherwise you've done all you can. If he's acting normal it should be fine.

I love those spots too; they're really cute!

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Sorry to hear about his "accident"....glad to hear he survived!! :bounce:

I know nothing about loaches but I agree keep up your water changes so he'll have a healthy environment to recurperate in.


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well guess what guys

two more went up the filter last night. That spotty one, and another I got in the weekend. The first one has stayed away lol.

I found them this morning by chance when my son wanted to look at the carbon cartridge. I thought they were dead! They were lying still in very shallow pool of water with water trickling on them. :(

But as soon as I moved the cartridge ,they wiggled and I put them back in the water and they swam to the Indian fern and wrapped themselves amongst that.

aggh ! they seem ok though. I have ordered another intake strainer piece that is shorter and hopefully less inviting for the kuhli to investigate.

This fish keeping business has me worrying like they were my human babies!

But I love them so much! haha

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So until you get your intake strainer, you could put some kind of netting or something similar around the intake pipe as a temporary measure. I've read where others have done it on here, but I forget exactly what they used.


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  • 2 months later...

It's all fine now .

Since I got the new intake strainer and moved a bossy Bristlenose to another tank I have had no kuhli up the filter.

But they did go up another two times while I was waiting for the part! The last one i discovered as I went to change the parts over... and he was very hurt! looked like he was bleeding inside and a fin was all red... afterwards he lay very still on the tank bottom and the BN wouldn't leave him alone.. that's when I decided to move the BN out to give the poor Kuhli's time to recover.

Two months later they all look good as new ! and they are also coming out more now that the BN is gone. We put in a different BN and they all get along fine and will even share food.

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