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Pond Goldfish Sick


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Hey Guys,

I don't really know much about goldfish but was out looking at my parents pond today and there was the most gorgeous goldfish with his tail in the air trying to swim down.

I have taken a bucket of water and put him in it, feed him some peas which he hasnt eaten as of yet.

He is still at the top with his tail up and head down.

What else can I do to make sure he gets better.

Any help would be great, if I fix this guy up im going to put him in my pond he is a gorgeous orange comet (I think) with a black outline on all of his fins. :) Very neat.


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Just had a closer look at him and close to his mouth he appears to have a small growth im assuming a cut that has turned into a fungal infection.

I have put some melafix in just cause I wasn't sure what else to do and I would do the same with my tropicals. If that doesn't work what else should I do...

I have some furan I can use ... But I want some advise and your opinions first. :)

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Sound like maybe swim bladder - I would take him/her out put into water shallow and pop in one or two deshelled peas mush them up alittle

As for the infection I'd put a little rock salt in the water

Sorry just reread your first post - ignore my advise, sorry

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Cool thanks. I have him in shallow water with mushed peas in it. And I have Aquarium salt for my tropicals so I can use it on goldfish too :) Lol sorry I don't know anything about goldfish but assumed itd be similar to what I normally do but wanted to check :)

Ill go get some more pond water and put some salt in it :)

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Good luck with your fish.

Goldfish are quite prone to getting swim bladder - cause they're little piggys :D but i've never lost one to it they are very hardy fish

I would just keep a eye on the infection if it doesn't start healing within a few days then maybe try using some meds or add alittle more salt - someone may be able to tell you what to use

but I rather tend to use salt first - it's a good healer :D

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He is still hanging in there, swimming a bit better and this morning there where a couple tiny tiny green poos - Im guessing green cause of peas but tiny cause still constipated. Hes still floating a little so now its just time hopefully he eats some more peas and does bigger poos :P


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I have african cichlids that fight abit, so us you can imagine they get the odd battle wound - usually with salt they've healed up within 2-3 days sometimes it takes 1 week.

But if your fish hasn't started improving by now then I would try some other sort of medication

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