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Is there anyone fragging corals on a larger scale, other than in their own show tanks..

How about breeding any sort of fish????

I am sure i know the answer.

If i am correct why arn't more people with some exp starting to do this.

Even if only frags are sold.

would you guys prefer to buy frags or pieces from a shop or both.

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I think the reason more people aren't doing it is because unless you have something like a big greenhouse in a region with heaps of sunlight on a beach for free water with a nice hot spring for free heating...You're going to be spending $50K on equipment so you can spend $50 on supplies and power growing frags that can only sell for $25.

Ok, I'm exaggerating, but anyway, I don't think it's really profitable to do as a business as it is.

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I'm looking at something like this, cause some of my acro's are growing very fast now. I'm always trimming my leathers (one in particular) and just throwing them away. They are too difficult to attach to a rock.

I have several frags If your interested? All kind of small at the moment, but in a month they should be a good size. Three different kinds. Five fluorescent yellow, one or two metallic green, one tricolor (all acro's).

Hopefully I will have a male bangaii soon as well. Then I can start breeding them.


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Hey Tim-

Well, it's still pretty brown, but just starting to lighten up. Unfortunately, I can't tell what color it's eventually going to be, but it's only been two weeks. Given that this is my first experience with Acros, I really don't know what to expect as far as coloration. Others have said that it can take anywhere from 2-4 weeks given good water quality. It's a crap shoot, but hoping for something bright! :D I haven't noticed any polyp extension though, which has me a bit worried. :(

How about yours? Are you getting any color (other than s%#* brown) showing through?


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Some acros are just brown, its like that in the wild too...

If there is no polyp extension check at night, most acros will only show polyps during the night.

It may take much longer than 4 weeks to change colour, maybee 6 months, maybee longer, maybee never.


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WOW, that would be a downer. It certainly isn't a looker in its current state!! :( I was hoping that it was just brown from high nutrients in the LFS tank and the fact that it is lightening up was a good sign. I guess time will tell.

I will do a check tonight to see if I can spot any polyps popping out.

Thanks Pies.

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Hi Layton-

Man, talk about getting an early start, 5:56 am??!! :o Your professors must be much more of a hard ass than me. I'm sure that none of my students are ever up that early. :D

My water seems to be pretty good:

Ph = 8.2

Salinity = 1.025

Nitrates = 0ppm

Phosphates = 0ppm

Magnesium = 1200 (bit low and having a hard time bringing it up)

Calcium = 440

KH = 8.2

I am hopeful for some awesome color. I guess the plan is to just keep things as pristine as possible and let time do its thing! :)



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everything looks spot on. Shouldn't take long for it to colour up in those conditions, I'd give it a month.

Got to be up early to get all my work done! There's just too much at the moment. Commerce students don't know the meaning of work! Nothing like finally getting a project working at 4 am the going home for a shower and coming back at 8am for the inspection!


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everything looks spot on. Shouldn't take long for it to colour up in those conditions, I'd give it a month.

Shame there is no test for light, water movement, proximity to other corals, secretions from other coral in the tank, organics in the water etc.

My point being there is more to it than just a few water tests. Lots of examples of people with perfect water conditions with tanks that have crashed or worse.

Just food for thought.

Good luck with it, why not get some photos up so we can see it change?


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