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Black Widows/Black Skirt Tetra

Guest Cam

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I wanted to try breed my Black Widows and was wondering if the setup I have will work. I was going to use a 25ltr bare botttom tank with sponge filter and heater. I want to have a mesh box that has 5mm holes in it and then add 1 male and 2 females into the box so that when they breed the eggs will drop through the bottom of the mesh box into the tank where the parents can't eat them. Then after the parents have finished breeding take them and the mesh box out. Will this work?

I'm going to have the temp at about 28C. What else will I need to do? I know you should add the females first so I was going to add the females this afternoon and then the male tonight as I heard they bred at first light in the morning. Both females are 2+ years old and full of eggs and the male is a bit smaller as I only got him a few weeks ago. Should I usae the same water from the tank that they're already in or different cycled water that already in the tank?

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Black widows like to spawn in plants. i found cabomba / ambulia works best.

i had a 24L with heater (25 degrees) and an airstone. i used 2 small bunches of cabomba weighted down with plant weights. i put marbles in the bottom of the tank for the eggs to fall through.

once the adults had spawned (you will be able to see the eggs in the tank if you look hard enough) i put them back in their own tank. i removed the marbles, CAREFULLY, after 2wks free swimming. fry was raised on powdered flake food. out of 200 - 300 eggs i had 10 survive to 30 days +. once fry were beyond eating size, i put them in the community tank with parents.

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