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:) We gotta new fish tank!


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How exciting!

It is 300L ish , just needs an external filter and a slow silicone leak fixed. Its so nice on a lovely black stand with cupboards (our last one was just on a metal table) So i can hide all the stuff away.

But I want a real make over of the tank, and I want to have a plan of what I want so I can slowly buy things whilst the leak is getting fixed so Im not so poor all at once :P

am going to use a mix of Glacier and Autumn Harvest Gravel (I think) with some large bits of drift wood as the center piece and I think some Amazon Swords and These Lilly Pad things (dont know name) that I currently have in my tank.

We have ...

2 Discus (which can either go to my dads tank or we can get more)

2 Syn Decorus

2 Large Pearl Gouramis

3 GBA (possibly 4) they are babies so not always easy to find

6 Golden tiger barbs getting 6 Green barbs also.

1 Albino Rainbow Shark

Lots of Platies (which are going to my grandads tank but just depends when I next travel down there)

Do you have any cool Ideas of how I can set up my tank - I have a little idea but am open to anything cool and eye catching :P

Also other fish that will go well with what I have. I really love Kribensis if im allowed them.

Maybe you could post photos of your tank set up or give me ideas of other cool plants. I do also currently have some anubis, indian fern, and some other fast growing ones that I can put in it to

Thanks guys. Its always so exciting redoing everything.

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Will do. Its going to be a while before I start due to finding time for Dad to show me how to reseal it. :) and the cabinet has water damage and a few loose screws but I am going to sand and repaint it. So I will do a before shot after and then when I have it set up in our house. I think also I may wait until we have our new house built before putting fish in so I can just transfer from one tank to another instead of swapping them around and then moving them again in a few months :)

So I have lots of time to prepare and decide what Im going to do.

Argh Im like ecstatic :P

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congrats Rochelle.I just love my new tank I have Angels and clowns in it now. Did your mollie babies die? Mine is still alive and thinks it is a clown. :D

The mollie babies were going well and then unfortunately disappeared :-? we still have a lot of the little platties on the go though :lol:

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I went to LFS today and saw some really cool, Pink Balloon Kissing gouramis...

Could anyone tell me some info about these would they go with what I currently have in my tank and how big do they get?

I looked online but some sites say 9cm and some say up to 20cm


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whetu wrote:

Just remember the most important thing of all: put before and after photos here for us to see!

I agree very important. I've been going to different sites to see how other tanks are set up, I have no aquascaping skills.

I'm still in the process of finding a tank stand for my 55 gallon.

Have fun,


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I agree very important. I've been going to different sites to see how other tanks are set up, I have no aquascaping skills.

I'm still in the process of finding a tank stand for my 55 gallon.

Me to, its so inspiring looking at other peoples tanks. I think Im just going to go with a light gravel and a few pieces of driftwood and slate type but put almost as a feature. I have tried aquasqapping cool scenes but it doesnt last long.

At the moment we got those ornament log caves and a big barrel which are cool but I just get sick of things. :)

And will def post photos but I havent started fixing it yet :) Got to wait until I have time after exams.

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