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what ate the skunk clown?


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anyone got an idea of what ate our new little skunk clown???

i doubt that its anything like a mantis but my brother said he saw something like a little white alien with its tail curled under its body, and it was about the size of the nail on his thumb.

it was swimming around happily this morning

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What makes you think it was eaten? Isn't it more likley that it died because the enviroment was not good enough to sustain it? If you have live rock, the bristle worms would have demolished it as soon as it died, but its unlikley there is anything in your tank that would predate it without you knowing about it, its possible but unlikley.


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Isn't it more likley that it died because the enviroment was not good enough to sustain it?

ouch, thats a litlle bit harsh dont you think?

just for the record

ph 8.2

phosphate 0

nitrate 0

nitrite was slightly detectable at 0.1


of course i have considered that it died of other reasons and hence the retest of the water quality

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Brianemone - Just wanted you to consider that poor conditions where more likley the it being predated.

There is more to a successful tank that just water params, and a lot more water params to test than those you gave. If you have NIRITE you have problems. It is likley that your tank hasn't finished cycling, or you have too little live rock in the tank and are unable to keep up with the biological needs of the tank.

Are you testing Amonina?

If I detected Nitrite in my tank I would do a 25% water change, and do 1 or 2 25% water changes every week for several weeks until any NITRITE traces where gone. It is a poison for the fish.

I wouldn't be adding any fish for a while, make sure that tank is cycled or you will run the risk of killing more fish.

Of course maybee everything is fine and you do have a piscovore in there, and it has waited all this time before springing...


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Hi Brian,

Bummer about the clown. That's reefing though, similar things happen to most of us.

Hope the trip home from Auckland was OK, the rest of your corals are OK, and you got the baby stuff with your wife!

I know a guy in Hamilton whose clownfish have had babies which he has been able to rear, if you don't already know him I can put you in touch.

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I've forwarded your details to him, just let me know wether or not he gets in touch.

Good sleuth work re that bulb! Looks just the ticket.

I'm talking to a MH expert later today so I'll find out if these bulbs are suitable to our ballasts. If so I think we should go for it.

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