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May meeting of ChCh Totally Tanked - AGM


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Hello Everyone

May's meeting will be on 2nd May starting at 5pm. Please bring a plate to share. Address is 30 Ariki Pl, Hei Hei.

This will be our AGM so if you can bring this years subs would be much appreciated. We will be discussing our participation in the pet expo and conference 2010, so please bring some ideas! :D

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I was all set to go to the mtg....had my subs ready...but unfortunately something came up at work and I had to go into work Sat evening so missed the mtg :( Hope it all went well. :D Also, I don't know who to ask...but for the expo, do you guys want the full 4.8 mtrs? I could take the .8 off you and make my display .8 wider? Which would mean having our dividing wall moved over a bit? I have a pond I can use which is approx 2.5 x 2 mtres (possibly bigger), and so could happily have a little more space? But also not a problem at all if you have filled the 4.8 mtres :D Just a thought.

Cheers :bounce:

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