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HI (newbie from Whangarei)


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Hi there,

Just dropping in to say Hi and introduce myself. I bought my kids (yeah right) a 30 litre tank in September last year and since then........... bought another 30litre, then a 60litre and then went all out with a 550litre !! Someone mentioned it might be an addictive hobby to get involved in and I tend to agree !!!

The big tank is a community tank with allsorts (a combination that originated from all the smaller tanks plus contributions for friends) including : a large pleco, 2 angels, 2 speckled mollies, 2 pearl mollies, platys, a dwarf gurami, a blue spotted gurami, scissor tails, a couple of coreys, a zebra loach and todays latest addition, a pair of rainbow boesman.

I have a love/hate relationship with the Fluval403 filter. Its either great ... or NOT ...a real nightmare to get restarted (particularly after cleaning or power cuts).

Still learning and very much enjoying fish keeping ...

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Hi & welcome!

Just a quick reminder put your location in so people will know where you are from.

I hate, nope...feel sad, nope...LOVE to tell you that you have MTS (mutiple tank syndrome) for which there is no cure :bounce: :bounce:

Post some pics sometime!

Take care & have fun,


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Hi and welcome. Yes, add your location to your profile (done through the User Control Panel top right).

It is important to have a selection of tanks so your children can learn even more about fish keeping. It is a very educational hobby 8)

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:P thanks all for the warm welcome.

Fish have all survived the week - despite having no filter on Sunday as it took me ALLLLLLLLL day (or at least 6 hours of it) to get the fluval re-started after I cleaned it ... then again today - Northpower replaced a power pole in our street so fish were without power from 9am - 6pm. All going again now and the fish seem happy enough & a body surfing through the bubble jetstream !! ... I had hoped that keeping fish would be a stress free hobby !?

Is there anything I should worry about with the filter having been off for so long ? (ammonia?? strike - is that the right term? think I read that somewhere !?) and anything I should put in the water in anticipation of problems?

Cheers ....

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... I had hoped that keeping fish would be a stress free hobby !?

It is, after the stress, you sit and watch your fishies and the stress goes away :o 8)

If you have a test kit especially for ammonia you might want to keep on eye on that and if you see ammonia registering just do water changes to get it down.

If power is out for sometime you might want to take the filter media and give it a swish around in some water that you've removed from the tank, ah say into a bucket that you use just for the fishies. Do a search and you'll see how others have handled power outages.

But it sounds as if your fishies faired off pretty well just keep on eye out on the ammonia.


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