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salinity for mollies and gobies


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Hi all

I have set up a new tank with mollies and bbgs, they were all bought from people and lfs's that had them in fresh water but I understand they prefer brackish. Actually years ago I had white lyretail mollies and if I only knew then how rare they were I would have somehow kept them through my flatting years. I kept them at brackish but I can't remember how many tsp of salt per litre of water... anyone help pls? I thought I would ramp up the salinity nice and slow, any suggestions on the rate to do this at would be appreciated. Oh and does anyone know much about the genetics of colour and fin morphology for mollies? Want to breed the lyretails into them and keep them sparkly white if poss!

PS thanks tracytrout for the females, I found a really sexy white sailfin male for them too!

pps here is my new boy admiring himself - unfortunately chose to hang out in the least photogenic part of the tank


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How are you going with your Mollies and BBG's Darkfur?

I would definitely recommend salt in with both these species - in my experience with breeding mollies, they do much better with the addition of salt.

I have some lyretail mollies but I'm just about on the verge of giving up with them, had enough really. Same with my guppies.

BBG's are great!

I just had a tank made to set up as a species tank for them. I've been trying to breed them for ages now and got no where so far, but they are pretty cool to have. I originally had them in my brackish tank, but now that I have Mono angels in there, the BBG's would just be a tasty snack for them!

In terms of amounts of salt, I'm old fashioned in that area - depending on how much water, I chuck a splash in here or a handful there.

What sort of salt are you using? The container I have recommends 1g/L or one rounded tablespoon per 20 litres of water, although i think this might be a bit much and tend just to put in whatever I feel is right. Once the balance is right you just have to add the salt in when you do the water changes which is easier to monitor.

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hi there spink

nice to hear from you

the mollies and bbgs are doing nicely. I had a laugh the other day I was feeding them frozen bloodworm and one of the bbgs tried to eat a whole bloodworm spaghetti style. it took him a long time but he got it down eventually. It filled his whole little mouth like someone trying to swallow a whole apple! I read that about 4g/L would do the trick but I don't think I will go quite that high because it will kill the plants.... hey if you want a new home for your lyretail mollies and guppies I can accomodate some :wink:

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