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oscar aggression help.


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I had two tiger oscars and a week later got another two however the original two are aggressive towards them. They have been together for a week and no change....

how would I stop this aggression?

I was thinking of taking them out of the tank for a bit, and rearanging it so it seems like a new tank to all of them. this would make neautral territory for all of them and stop it...

would this work???

anyone had experience with this before????

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I know re-arranging the aquascape is what people recommend when introducing new fish to a malawi tank... never kept oscars so can't really say for them. I'm sure its worth the try - it certainly puts a dampener on your hobby when one/some of your fish are being mercilessly attacked!

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they are still young, i tryed changing the tank around and taking them out but but no luck so far...

they are in a 1.2m tank so space isnt an issue. I might have to take the aggressor out full stop if things dont get better.

just sad seeing the others hiding at the bottom till there is food to be had.

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This just sounds like cichlid aggression to me sounds like the bigger bossier one is throwing his weight around.. Plus having 4 oscars in a 4ft tank wouldn't help matters there isn't enough room for them to each have their own space or places to hide, most people I know keep a pair in a 5-6ft+ tank..

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  • 3 months later...

yea i have two in mine and its pretty cosy


but im guessing yours are pretty young. i can only suggest breaking up line of sight in the tank and making several hiding holes. the largest is always going to dominate the smaller, keep them well fed. when i introduced the smaller one to that ^ guy i put the big guy in a chilli bin with a heater for a week at least before the new guy got some backbone. now they are inseparable.

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they are in a 1.2m tank so space isnt an issue.

How big are the oscars? Space might not be an issue now but it will be soon.

I'd suggest removing the aggressor for a couple of days and adding some dither fish, rainbows, giant danios, etc.

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1200. hes happy as pushes his driftwood etc round and cleans a rock with his/her new mate. im over gravel bottoms. i change 60% every week and it keeps it nice and clean like that, otherwise its the colour of tea in a couple days. look how breeders do it. its the only way to have something that big in a tank this size. i will probably upgrade to a 6foot in a few months when i get my own house anyway.

also just noticed that i dragged up and old post. sorry.

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