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Renovating tank + stress on Discus?


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I'm thinking about ripping out the existing planted layout and adding new plants etc etc, but I noticed the last time I did a massive renovation two of my Discus went off food for ages and stayed to their corner. I know it wasn't worms 'cos I periodically worm everytime I get new fish.

And now they've started feeding regularly now 'cos they're actually coming out which disrupted the new heirarchy..so now there's a new heirarchy system.

I'm going to be moving/ripping things so wondering if this will cause an upset again? Or if even that was the reason that they went off their food in the first place?

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Should be ok unless you're stirring up all the gunk in the gravel. You can always put the discus in a bucket with air stone and heater( if it's going to take long)and do your gardenning and landscaping. Do a WC after that and put the fish back in. That way they are not that stressed.


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