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Some picutres of my fighters


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i have a male fighter, meant to be a Vt but doesnt have a flowing tail and is developing spikes (small ones, ) and when he flares up his fins all touch and look like they are joined up. my full size VTs fins dont do that when he flares.

That's the trouble when people start crossing different strains and produce all sort of rubbish :evil: . You don't even know what fighter you get now adays because of these culprit. Even buying from the shops don't guarantee you a true strain becausesome of the rubbish are off loaded to the shop . So it's safer to get your fish from reputable breeder and honest breeder that will tell what the fish you're getting is.

You pay peanuts and you'll get monkeys.

You can fill the tank up and make sure you keep the lid on cos' female will jump.


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That's the trouble when people start crossing different strains and produce all sort of rubbish :evil: . You don't even know what fighter you get now adays because of these culprit. Even buying from the shops don't guarantee you a true strain becausesome of the rubbish are off loaded to the shop . So it's safer to get your fish from reputable breeder and honest breeder that will tell what the fish you're getting is.

You pay peanuts and you'll get monkeys.

You can fill the tank up and make sure you keep the lid on cos' female will jump.


If we are referring to a betta I sold Fishbreeder, I can tell you that it is a veiltail and has two veiltail parents. It is a juvenile and it has not yet developed a veiltail.

Here is a photo of a male from the same spawn.


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NICE fish Jo. you are a true starter, came yesterday, did not get chance to talk to me, and came again today(biking x HS1 from far distance) as an unexpected visitor, lol. :D you are onto it. start puting in some harder work, more effort, you will be a star. good luck Jo, all the best to all your fighters.

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