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Alan, I'm not against crossbreeding,

I am against INbreeding and selective breeding for traits that are detrimental to the fish.

Like i said, i don't know much about it, but i have the idea that widening the genepool for fish that have been selectively breed for pet shops(leopards + guppies) by letting them breed with a hardy, wild fish will give them a sort of hybrid vigor.

I get this idea from the fact that crossbreed dogs, horses, and cats (the animals i have experience with) are generally more robust, mentally superior (alert, cautious, etc) and less suceptible to illness.

BUT, i am not actually trying to crossbreed, they are just in the same tank, if they don't breed, it's not meant to be. It's a big tank and they do have partners of the same species.

And like i said, if they did, and the offspring looked deformed or sickly, i wouldn't allow it to happen again.

If i did get some good offspring, i'm not going to let them loose in the wild, they'll just be my pets or turtlefood.

Yeah gambusia are illegal, but better i have them in my tank than them being loose with our native fish ! (and i'm not breeding to release)

I think they're cool little fish, they're tough, quick, and sneaky ;)

I've caught the 2 little males stalking my big silver dollar a couple of times actually, they'll be banished to the frog tank if they do anything to him !

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