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Fw qs on breeding albino corys


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no need to remove if nothing eats them, if you do just scrape off and put in a floating container with tank water.

good eggs are clear / tan colour. bad eggs are white and should be removed,

never put an airstone by mine but up to you.

Good luck

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hi normally i put them in a containar with an airstone and remove all pearl white couloured eggs and add some meth blue if you have some. After a few days they will start to grow a tail out of the egg. Do not feed the baby cory untill all of the egg is used up, the egg is its starting energy source. when done use some liquifry or have some live bbs ready to feed, microworms may be fine. Once they lookk like fish type feed the decap brinshrimp eggs purchase them of tm if u dont hav them

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