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Please help me set up a Malawi tank


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Do you guys think the rocks from Motunau beach would work well for a malawi tank? Some have rounded holes right through them.



wana get me some too?

those lil holes will be great for fry to hide in if you are intending to breed a few in there

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Hi - it looks good, love the plain pale blue background - i also like tanks with a touch of planting in them. Im not so much a fan of the layered flat rock style, though i recognise there are some very positive reasons for using that structure. I kind of like the chaotic rockpile style myself, but at the end of the day its YOUR tank, so whatever I or anyone else says, its you who has to like it. If you like it , go with it, cos it sure dont look bad :)

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I've got a similar setup going, I went for "uniform" rock formations but found they need lots of multi-size caves etc to hide in to really be happy ... so lots of weird angles is the key

http://images.paranoid.co.nz/rimutank/fish181.jpg is an oldish pic, gonna change the layout again tomorrow as I have 2 huge electric blues that WANT caves (and I have rocks to spare)

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  • 2 weeks later...

add some space in between "structures" as in have some top to bottom space throughout the tank ... they like to browse top to bottom and enjoy having paths to follow

maybe rest one end of the wood on a [edit]LARGER[/edit] rock to provide space underneath, then try go doe something similar to your first post, with lots of "cave levels" at either end ... well that is how mine is setup another than my driftfood allows for access underneath by design

my 2cents worth, all the LFS's have a similar low flat geography for cichlids, I say give them something a bit more natural ... which is not uniform


[edit] tbh didn't see the latest pic .. looks better, think the "space in between" thing still needs addressing (and can be done easily) .... go for height on one side with rocks (without it looking like a lego stack)

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Rather than starting a new thread I figured id just dredge up this old one as its a continuation....

So my 4ft aquarium has been up and running for 4 weeks now and all the inhabitants are looking happy. I currently have:

*7 lionheads ranging from 1.5 - 6cm

*5 Melanachromis Johannii around 3cm

*1 bristenose plec

*1 adult male electric yellow from my neighbour

*1 5cm peacock. I got it off my neighbour, he thinks it was a sunshine yellow.

The last two my neighbour gave me just so that there is something bigger and interesting ot look at while my littlies grow.

So where now? What should I add? Im thinking id like 3 or 4 species of fish in grounds of 3 to 5... is that a good or silly plan? I probably have too many lionheads. I like them enough to want a couple in the tank, but not enough to make them the biggest number. The problem they are causing is that they seem to like the rocks and darting around between them... and it tends to make the rest of the fish in the tank paranoid. Something balsy that just sits out the front would be nice!

I'm really undecided on peacocks as the males may look good, but they just dont have the same personality mbuna do. Im probably more attracted to character then colour.

I guess I could add more electric yellows... they are beautiful and wont cause trouble... but maybe just a little too run-of-the-mill. I might get some greyshakeis from Navarre. What else would look good with my johaniis and be interesting to watch?

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A shoal of piranha ? (I have seen some in tanks and they looked STUNNING !!)

Where did you see that? I didnt think you could have them in NZ. I don't think my johannis would be stoked at the choice of tankmate. IMHO, piranhas are boring looking and unless you like watching things get eaten they are really boring behaviour wise.

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i saw a tank of them in the UK when i was there they are very cool the guy put some meat in the tank while i was there so i could see them move and boy do they move as soon as the meat hit the surface they went nuts.

i thought one place up Napier way had a few not 100% sure on that though

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Add more yellows, maybe some demasoni or something for a different colour?

The greshaki can be very aggressive so be careful with them in a smaller tank esp when kept with more peaceful species like peacocks.

I think you just need to have a look around and see what is out there, see what you like and see if it is suitable for your tank there are plenty of options out there :)

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Nope demasoni are fine, they only scrap between each other so you need to buy at least 12.. My colony was breeding well, but they I lost most of the first 2 batches randomly and they have stopped breeding.. I might have to go out there and change stuff around see if I can kick them back into it :)

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