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Cichlids not themselves after a tank change-why?


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I have 13 Blue Dolphins which I have put into another tank (set up as a rocky Malawi lake as opposed to a normal community tank) with exactly the same water conditions, and they are just sitting around the bottom of the tank. They were with Clown Loaches and Gouramis, now by themselves-would this make a difference? Any suggestions how to get tham back to there active selves :(

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As Caryl said.. Fish are funny things and changing their tanks around or tank mates can all of a sudden cause them to start packing a sad and hiding and then freaking out whenever you walk past..

I have found that the position of the tank has something to do with it have found tanks near doorways or doors freak out when doors are opened or people walk through or tanks in direct sunlight sometimes they just spaz out..

With the africans adding more confident fish would help (lol however I add my grow out dolphins to tanks this happens to as they are usually always out in the open and happy). Or you can just wait it out, maybe add some more hiding holes (or take some away if there are too many). Probably before you do too much just wait and see if they settle because sticking your hands in there and changing too much stuff will just freak them out more.

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  • 1 month later...

They do swim about a bit, just get frightened off when I approach.....but when Gourami was in the tank followed them about, and didn't worry about me being about. I do a 25% change every Sunday, and Ammonia and Nitrites always at zero, and Nitrates below 10. ph is 7.6. Hopefully they will come right, bit of a pity to have fish and not see them.

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