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What Guppy strains are there?


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:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


yesterday while i was out

the breeding trap with all the lil fry and couple of weeks fry

it must of slipped off the suction cups and heaps of the fry got out!!!!!!!!! :evil: :evil: :evil:

and i spent along time trying to put them back in , i caught back some but there is still some hiding i know it because there looks like less now,

some must of got munched :evil: :evil:

i was trying to put them back in so i could feed them daphina more easily

because they have no chance against the adults

. its because i only have one heated tank :lol:

but its sorta separated

:evil: they sure like to hide in the plants and gravel :evil:

but thats a good thing in a way for the new fry popping out unexpected

:lol: :lol:

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:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


:):):):):) This happened to me once :):):):):):):)

Except it was tetra fry :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

I think you would be better off leaving all the fry and adults together with heaps of plants, if you feed them enough, they will soon learn not to eat fry, or not as many fry anyway :D:D:):):(:(:o:o :-? :-? 8) 8) :lol: :lol: :x:x:P:P :oops: :oops: :cry::cry: :evil: :evil: :roll: :roll: :wink::wink::hail::hail::bow::bow: :bounce: :bounce:


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At least you got most of them

I dont use a net yet I have too many fish now

BUT from what i have seen pics of on here and online people have their tanks loaded with guppies :o

so maybe i can have heaps in there?

the babies are fun to catch aye, my gold or blonde babies if they gonna stay that colour?? i seem to nice they duck under the gravel

I have a small 22 litre tank they love it in there and oooo i only feed mine flake, and spirulina and some discus food i was given i grind it up

How often do you feed yours??

I had to put a peice of mesh off the incense bag over the power head in the fry tank coz i found 2 fry in ma filter lol

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i feed mine quite alot

they have sure gotten real big and fast!

they get fed about 5 times a day or just recently feeding them daphina

and just throw a heap of them in there and let them munch on them when

they want to .i feed them crushed flakes and daphina :D

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i been feednig 3 times a day now, i will change the water tomorrow and add some stress coat.

Remmeber i had the ammonia problem in my tanks before

Oh one of my fish got that thing dropsy that wasnt nice hehe poor thing

I thought it was pregnant then it got past pregnant

The tank in my bedroom the guppies in there omg the babie ones just swim around like they are dare devils lol

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Thats great! seems like you have nice guppies!!

Yea its important to do water changes with fry as they are not as resistant to polluted water.

I had a similar problem with my guppies, as the ammonia killed a few (alot) of my guppies.

Well, your fry seem pretty brave, I hardly see my fry, but you get one come out for food now and then.

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Thats great! seems like you have nice guppies!!

Yea its important to do water changes with fry as they are not as resistant to polluted water.

I had a similar problem with my guppies, as the ammonia killed a few (alot) of my guppies.

Well, your fry seem pretty brave, I hardly see my fry, but you get one come out for food now and then.

No fish are resistant to Ammonia, If ammoina keeps coming back, your filters not cycled, and if theres no filter you should be doing a waterchange or 2 a day

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Hi dixon thanks for that

Oh yes alanco some of them are brave thats the ones i have left in my 2 foot tank there is 5 i seen today

the ones by themselves are better in the mini tank

I have seen pictures of ppl with 100s of guppies in tanks wouldnt they die???

Andddddddddd babies are being sold in a few weeks I hope they have fattened up I got some nice white ones

i can see the yellow on some of the females tales the babies, and i test my water make sure there is no ammonia if there is, I do water changes till its gone, I didnt cycle the baby tank, tut tut lol, i took the water out of my other one, oh well live and learn none died

I lost one cat fish a month ago found its skeleton and one platy got dropsy thats about it !!!

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:o how many do you have?

50 dollars you can have all my babies lol

theres 4 more :P :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

Pet store is taking some but i got to get them big first stupidcoz i thought some ppl might like to buy the babies for their kids???

Unless its coz tehy are not as harty as the big fish??

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  • 2 weeks later...

oooo what size?

and how old are you???

i checked my guppy fry tank one has yellow tail and looks like a blue fin on the top i might keep them a bit longer to see what colours there are

Then I looked in my jebo tank that has platys in there too there is only one guppy baby the rest in there must get muchned

Then i checked in my bedroom OMG they are everywhere more fry I think tehy are invaiding my place lol


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oooooo00oo i havent been on this site for a lil while and

they have upgraded it, its much better now !

just got my tank today :D

as i remember i measured it at the shipe its about

L900 w470 depth 500

its one of those nice jebo ones

im 17 :D and my brothers 19

pretty young breeders huh?8)

how old are you?

oh nice my guppies had some fry too

and i finally let them roam free it feels more natural in a way

the parent guppies seem pretty fine with them around

!!!! :lol: !!!!

sounds like you are overflowing with them now.

and just yesterday i got a couple of new guppies , snake skin ones that

have pretty wicked tales !

oh and hahah sorry for the late reply

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hi buddy

wow your lucky and ooooooooooooooo thought it was just me till i hit reply

Im 32 dont worry im not a creep lol

Anyway i took a few fry out and gave them to my friends baby whos 2 lol

for her tank

:bounce: so thats a few less

I will get some pics of my guppies up one day when im not too lazy

I took a few out of my fry tank and put them in the main one.

One had blue fins on the top and a yellow tale

My partner said not to give the guppies away till they are big so I can see what colour

I have 2 pet shops interested one at one dollar each if they are small too

other wants nearly full size 1.50 each so I dunno

id rather aucutally swap for food and stuff I can use for my tank



i have 4 thats enough power and head ache for me !!!!!!!!!!

Also done believe everything you read either, do your weekly maintance

and lots of plants and your fish will be ok

and dont over feed !!!! im guilty of that

they always so hungry lol

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