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Borelli Mixup


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So about 2 months ago i bought a "borelli" from Animates at the time i thought it was 'steel blue'

Then he disapeared in the big(ish) tank.

So a after not seeing this apisto for a month or so i clicked Buy now on 2 borelli on trademe.

Got them home, in the tank and then there was 3.

And they all look the same.

How can i tell the diffference between them? They all look the same.

And one of them is displaying alot

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Pretty much all the borelli you will see around at the moment that are imported will be the randoms.. I have asked the question of many if they are true borelli only to hear people say they are but are only young but photos etc don't mix up. I have 2 different fish here a pair both purchased at different times as borelli but very very hard to tell what they actually are?

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the borellii's on the list are steel blues.

i just got another 6 of these "borellis" from animatees here, cause they had bred in the tanks.

they are not borellis but have to be sold as borellis....

i had a real borelli a long time ago, and its fins were much longer and it had more purple on it.. these guys are either yello or blue. like a metallic blue dwarf gourami blue....

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ok.. so..


heres the deal lol...

they are imported as borelli's and so sold from wholesale as borellii's.

then every so often a fishgeek like me comes along, and sees the word "borellii" on a wholesalers order form, and i do a mini :bounce: , and then i order some in.

now why dont i change the name when i know they are steel blues you ask? :lol: well simply put the computers say NO. lol

if i order borellis, I have to invoice in borelli's, and when i accept the invoice for the borelli's - then borelli's are entered in the stock. computer codes are generated (6 digit numbers) based on the suppliers code.

and so.. by the end of it, the computers register the new fish in stock as borelli's.

BUT.... why can't I create a new code and buy them as borelli's and sell them as steel blues?

1.) cause its really really really hard, and more importantly....

2.) its like the old credit/debit system. for every borelli that is ordered in a borelli must be sold, and if any die, those numbers have to be taken out of stock.

so if i ordered in borellis, but sold them as steel blues, some where along the line there would be a huge number of borelli orders, and a whole number of steel blue sales..... like fish being created out of thin air... :wink:

So... what I do is order the borellis, and sell the borelli's - but always tell the person im selling them to that they are steel blues.. and the whole deal with the steel blue.. 9 out of 10 ppl dont even care, lol...

hope this helps, lol :lol:

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didn't do a sign but normally just tell people verbally. all us fishy folk know what they are... least i think so.. lol...

what ive thought of is a fake sign that says blue face apisto - but the code comes up as borelli or assorted dwarf cichlid on the till.

Zev - that's almost what we are doing now (now there are no blue face apistos left - i bought the whole lot :o ) :lol:

but yes.. i wish confusion like this did not happen - i was so happy when i thought borelllii's were back on the import list - it was only here that i learned that they were blue faces... still a pretty fish, but i still want the real borelli =(

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I think the fish should be named on the tanks however can fully understand why the manager or whoever is in charge wouldn't do it..

I don't think that steel blue is actually a proper recognised sc name anyway is it? And it wouldn't have to be on the list if the overseas exporters and nz importers decided they were borelli even if they aren't.. Its a shame that everyone cant just do things right lol We have soo many nice appisto's on the list and we get sent randoms :(

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Surely you can just put a sign on the tank indicating what the fish are, but for accounting purposes, tell the staff to enter them as Borelli on the till?

You've obviously never tried buying fish from Animates.......

Yes I know there are a handfull of clued-up staff that actually know a bit about fish, but most of the staff I encounter seem to be working there because they like cute fluffy things and couldn't tell a cardinal from a catfish.

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