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Whats a good number


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I dont know if you know who it was but there was a lady on here a few weeks ago that had them for $2 each i was told

Are you referring to bristlenose catfish? There are a lot of people breeding them at the moment, and you can get little ones quite cheap. As for how many is a good number, that depends on the dimensions of your tank, what kind of filter you have and what kind/how many other fish you want to keep in there.

Bristlenoses are good fish because they are hardy, stay relatively small and are good as part of a peaceful community. They will need plenty of places to hide (rocks, caves, plants, wood) and they like to chew on wood to help them stay healthy. They also benefit from having fresh vegetables to eat, in addition to dried foods.

They can, however, leave your substrate looking quite messy because they like so much fibre in their diet and then of course they poop it out on your gravel! :D

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