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breakaways new setup questions


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Even though I don't know much about marine (dont laff at me)

I want a tank with corals and fish and I want it to be colourful and eye catching. I want people to go "Damn, thats freakin awesome" when they look at it

Also here are some questions:

1) While using a protien skimmer, do you also have to use additional external filteration? Also, what kind of fish/corals would you use a protien skimmer with?

2) Where is the place to acquire good quality Hallides and stuff

3) How do you determine where to point your power heads if you are new to Marine?

4) What is the function of Live Rock? Where do you get it from?

5) How do you make your water salty? Do you add the special salt from the LFS or do you bring in buckets and buckets from the nearest beach?

6) Where do you get sand from? And when you vaccum, wont you loose a siginificant amount of sand?

7) Where do you guys get your livestock from?

Thanx in Advance

thought that this would be better as its own post

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