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Breeding tank size


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Hi guys,

I was wondering what sort of stuff I could breed in 20cm by 30cm by 30 cm tanks? I know I could breed certain types of killies in that size but what else or would it be too small?

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Many people who breed lots of fish, including myself in the good old days breed fish in small tanks then feed the fry up for a while before trasfering them to larger tanks to grow them up. It is better to feed fry in small shallow tanks for a while as they are surrounded by food then transfer them to larger tanks which are easier to maintain once they are swimming well. Small fish in a large tank are likely to be at one end getting hungry while the food is at the other end. This is particularly so in a breeding situation where the whole room is heated.

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Yeah I do what Alan says.. My cockatoo pair was in my 30cm cube bred them in there left the fry in there for a while until they started spreading around the tank then transferred them to a 3ft..

A 30cm cube isn't much good for growing fish out in really, maybe some of those tiny danio's (i forget the name) or something like that, but getting a half descent spawn of any fish will require alot of maintenance to keep the tank water clean.

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