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My golden bells are not eating!


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They have been tail-free frogs for about 3ish weeks and my previous frogs had started eating by this age,

but these ones just wont. I put alot of fruitfly and housefly in there (each day) and the frogs are still really skinny. There are as many dead flies each day as i put in the day before,

what do i do!?


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when ours wouldn't eat we held the fly/moth on the end of some tweezers and moved it around near them.

after a while they got the point and ate it. now we don't need the tweezers now and they happily eat them up.

how big are they?

isn't there a rule not to feed them food that is bigger than their head?

can't remember quite but it was something like that.

one of ours got very stubborn and wouldn't eat like the rest. So we used the tweezers and kinda rubbed it gently across the frogs lips and he got the hang of it after that. Maybe he could taste it and liked it?

I'm not sure what your suppose to do, but the above worked out well for us.

Good luck!

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