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Hoppy jumpy things on my tank


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On the top of my FW tank I have tiny tiny jumpy bugs. They are about the size of a pin head, browny coloured. They look like the can kinda swim or walk on top of the water and jump too. The fish don't seem to be eating them. ID? How can I get rid of them? Are they bad?

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I've had em in the past, when I had floating plants.

I had an oily scum on the water which I skimmed off and increased surface agitation.

They went away :D

Yes, I've had them in the past too - with the same remedy.

Generally I find they only appear when there is an area on the surface of the water that has little or no agitation. For example, if you have floating plants these bugs can get established in the still areas of water between the leaves. As far as i know, they have no ill effects on the fish.

Things to try:

- increase surface agitation

- be really strict about general maintenance - water changes etc.

- be careful not to over-feed

- try using different kinds of food and see if it makes a difference. Some kinds of food seem to leave an oily (proteiny?) slick on the surface

- if you have a visible oil slick on the surface, use paper towels to sweep some of it off

As long as your general maintenance is good and your water quality is good, don't worry too much about it.

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