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my blue ram layed eggs


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hey all,

my blue ram layed, must of been hundreds of eggs (etimation), unfortunatly i came back to them today, and theyd all disappeared, im asuming they were eaten, i was just wondering how long it will take my blue ram to get there perental qualities? and how mnay babies do they have on average?

all help will b greatly appreciated


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It all depends on the parents. Some will always eat their eggs but most will start to be better parents after a few spawnings. It may have been another fish that ate the eggs (if there are other fish in the tank) or they sometimes eat them when frightened. How many eggs depend on the size of the female, what shes being fed eg.

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there are 3 platy and 2 guppies also in the tank with them, but the male of the pair of bluerams keeps them pritty much hurded on one side of the tank, and i dont think the blue ram r scared as they seem to be the bosses of the tank and there in a room that is always queit, anyways im in no rush to have babies at this point, and i must get the livebearers out of that tank and back into there own tanks along with there frineds, lol

it was just a surprise to me that i looked into the tank, then when i went back after about 10 mins they were all gone, and i noticed them starting to clean and prune a different stone.

cheers thanks for the help

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