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hi me again lol got my test readings for my tanks help plz !


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Right here we go first tank

2 foot standard size

55 litre

25 guppies (approx) 5 babies, 5 cat fish that i can see

5 neons

Ph 6.6

ammonia 0.25 ( colour next to yellow which is 0

Tank cycled for 2 weeks added fish over another 2, wouldnt of put all those guppies in there but i got given some

one dead catfish

tank 2

jebo tank on stand curved glass

(from memoery takes 4-5 buckets i will count litres tonight when I refill it after changing gravel

ph 6.0 its yellow the lowest my ph has dropped down from 6.4


10 platys,

10 guppies

10 noeos

5 cat fish

ammonia again 0.25

Both tanks are well platned with good filtatrion and lights etc

Is my ammonia a worry or will it drop down

This tank was cycled for a month at least

Thanks guys !!!!! you rock

I will let you know how I get on with the new gravel

Also can i put any more fish in my tanks or what?

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if there is ammonia present, then the tank is cycling. this will turn into nitrItes which are more toxic than ammonia. after that they become nitrAtes, as the bacteria in your tank does its work.

i suggest small daily water changes until the ammonia and nitrItes have passed, and then weekly changes.

others may have a better idea on what will help :)

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if there is ammonia present, then the tank is cycling. this will turn into nitrItes which are more toxic than ammonia. after that they become nitrAtes, as the bacteria in your tank does its work.

i suggest small daily water changes until the ammonia and nitrItes have passed, and then weekly changes.

others may have a better idea on what will help :)

Thanks heaps done the changes already I changed the gravel so thats not gonna help if I loose my fish I will live thank god they were cheap

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Right here we go first tank

2 foot standard size

55 litre

25 guppies (approx) 5 babies, 5 cat fish that i can see

5 neons

Ph 6.6

ammonia 0.25 ( colour next to yellow which is 0

Tank cycled for 2 weeks added fish over another 2, wouldnt of put all those guppies in there but i got given some

one dead catfish


easy overstocked at this rate i would be doing 50 % water changes daily

pls define good filtration ?

4-5 buckets of water @ 10l a bucket = 40-50L ?

ammonia present can represent a tank cycling BUT does not always represent this the reading you want is 0

water change 30% daily for three days and Do Not Feed for as many is my opinion

changing gravel can disrupt cycling depending if yr running a UGF (under gravel filter )


mr pleco

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I think I have been over feeding also

will my babies be ok for 3 days with no food?

I will test again tomorrow and post here

I shouldnt of change gravel and fitlers


no undergravel filter thought ppl didnt use those much now

I have 2 small aqua one filters in my jebo tank

and in my 55 litre tank I have a elthim 2010 i just got that second hand

thanks for your advice :lol:

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Thanks heaps done the changes already I changed the gravel so thats not gonna help if I loose my fish I will live thank god they were cheap

three days without food babies should be fine, by what you have stated above sounds like nothing to be too worried about anyway

when you do go back to feeding just remember only what the fish CAN EAT in 5 minutes (thats no food left lying around ) :wink:

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ty i will let you know what my tests are tomorrow

I did cycle my jebo tank for at least 3 weeks but someone washed out the filters in the tap

When this is sorted out and I do my weekly maintance

How often do i change water and wash filter in bucket i got out of tank???

I love my fish lol

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ty i will let you know what my tests are tomorrow

I did cycle my jebo tank for at least 3 weeks but someone washed out the filters in the tap

When this is sorted out and I do my weekly maintance

How often do i change water and wash filter in bucket i got out of tank???

I love my fish lol

yep and with that," someone " yr tank is now recycling whilst overstocked and overfed ..no worries it will cycle just important to keep up the water changes until yr ammonia reading is zero for three consecutive days

after that 1/3 water change once a week and depending on how much work yr filter is doing say a washout (in extank water ) once a month should suffice ... this information is dependant on the fact that you have the right stocking levels for yr tank / yr not over feeding / and yr tank has zero ammonia at any test given and would be classed as the" ideal "

situation but theres no harm in more water changes , you will learn about yr filter i.e if the filter flow appears slowish or you can see alot of "gunk " in the filter wool then you can clean it more often if yoiu clean it in tank water taken fom the tank itself and wash the excess off theoretically you can wash it as often as you like but once a month or even once every two months seems the norm , think of it like the filter in a dishwasher the more dishes you wash and the dirter those dishes are the more you have to empty the filter out this is why its important you read up on stocking levels and carefully observe your feeding amounts if these two things are right and you have regular weekly waterchanges it lessens the workload on you and yr fish are less likely to have problems

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Jebo tank

ammonia 0 !!!!!!! its yellow yay bad aaron gave them a bit of food just a small amount

PH 6.6

2 foot tank

ammonia i is still 0.5 I will do a small water change again and test it tomorrow

Ph around 6.6

Now mr pleco I brought a small tank for my baby fish (silly i know but id rather have them in there if im gonna have 100s of fish aye

Its only 22 litres, do I have to cycle that too??? or can I nick some water from my other tanks???

Thanks for your time

I have my email if you would like to make friends if you have the time

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