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OMG I WAS looking in my guppy tank and there is like 25 guppies in there 5 neons and 5 bristle nose cat fish, anyway its been set up for about a month I added the fish too early as the man gave me 25 guppies and the cat fish for ten bucks i didnt realise there was that many in there till I got home

I dont have my ammonia test kitt yet so all i can do is test ph, is it possible that the bristle nose just died???? of natural causes

One of my guppies were nose diving into the gravel and swimming up am I gonna loose the lot??

My other tank is fine

should i do a big water change and add some stress coat ??

also someone was naughty last week and washed the filters in the sink i didnt know lol

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"should i do a big water change and add some stress coat ?? "

Yes... start changing some water. (about 50% I suggest)

Large partial water changes should help bring things under control. You will have to keep doing them for a couple of weeks untill the tank settles down and the cycle starts working right.

Water test kits will tell you exacltly how bad the problem is, but the emergency fix will still be to change more water.


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Yeah second the water changes..

You mentioned you had a second tank? Maybe you could take some of the established media out of the second tanks filter and add it to your new tank to kick start a bit more of the cycle and ease the load? Obviously don't fully gut that filter because you will just transfer the problem but taking a little wont hurt..

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Its my fault if anything happens i keep changing filters and now brought more gravel etc and gonna change gravel bla bla

I will take water out of tank thats good and put it in this one with the dead fish when I do the change and leave the filter

I got a new filter for my good tank so i will leave the media out of the old one thats going in the tank with dead fish

GRRRR and thanks everyone i go do it soon just doing something

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Hi thanks for the help i did that changed half the water

OMG so much rotten food etc from the tubiflex worms i been feeding them maybe I cut it into smaller bits???

And how many fish can i have in 2 foot tank its 55 litre

I changed half water and put in stess coat hopefully my ammonia kitt is here tomorrow, ps wtaer looked fine till i messed it up cleaning it

I have guppies and cat fish in there about 25 guppies, 5 babies and 5 catfish minus the one that died, omg it was only a skeleton !!

PS my jebo tank with my 35 fish in is doing great theres 6ish babies in there, that was set up longer than this one

Cross fingers all goes well for me

my nan said not to feed them for a day is this right?? thank you so much for your help I have been reading the forum to pick up tips as well

Enjoy your week

also if anyone wants to make fish friends lol

my email is

[email protected]

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It's pretty hard to underfeed fish - your instinct is to feed them way too much than they need. You wouldn't do them any harm to not feed them for a day once a week. (Babies are different though, small stomachs so they need feeding little and often)

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hi thank you everyone

they are bristlenose cat fish I they have white on their tails

I did the water change etc man there was alot of poo and uneaten food ! omg

Time to cut down feeding ill do the ph and when the ammonia test kitt finally arives I will post that too !!!! ty

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Where it is a relatively new set up with lots of fish, I agree with everyone increase your water changes till things settle down. Yes, cut back on the feeding. It is sooooooooooo easy to overfeed, been there, done that, etc...

Keep us updated and post test results.


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no nitrate test kitt yet god i just brought the other 2 lucky i got them cheap

and bristle nose are getting bottom feeder pellets and some cucumber tomorrow when I get one lmao

To above poster i posted my results in aonther part

My other tank no losses added fish every few weeks

But i couldnt say no to 25 guppies some snake skin for ten bucks !

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