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hello new fish breeder here


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Hi i have platies and guppies

I have some one very fat platty

I have 2 tanks, one empty thats just been going for a week it has no plants etc

the one tehy are in have plants

do i need to take the mother out and put her in the empty tank or just let nature take its course i did see a baby a week ago but then it must of got eaten

How do you know when they are going to drop and what about the guppies?

I have a red tailed rainbow male, and snake skin looking one thanks

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You can tell guppies are going to drop when their bellies start looking 'square'. If you want the babies to survive, separate them from the big ones in a breeding net or another tank, or make sure you have lots of plants like java moss in your tank they can hide in.

Not sure about plattys sorry.

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ty from what i have read the platies are the same

i will get some more plants when i can i already have about 15 grrr


when my 2 foot tank is set up i will put a breeding net in there as my jebo is a half circile shape and it prob take up too much space but ya never know

I will get one this week

My platy is so fat it looks like its gonna burst !!!! hahaha

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  • 1 month later...

Hi again hehe

why did it get dropsy? thought it was age or something wrong with it

Was rather sad when I found it dead

the rest look fine

my ammonia is yellow so that means 0 on the kitt the ph has been low around 6.4 ish

i busted my test tube grr so when I go to the petstore i have to get another one

What are the other reasons I did read about dropsy before posting

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