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Tank Mate Recommendations?


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Hi everyone this is my first post and I have to say the forums have been very helpful to me lately.

I have a 4ft tank with a pair of albino zebras, a fire eel and a large pleco and as I'm fairly new to cichlid's I thought it would be best to ask for some advice on what would be suitable tank mates for these guys :)

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What type of fish were you thinking of adding?

It is quite random having the zebra's and fire eel together, what sort of ph are you running in your tank? And how are they getting along I don't know much about the fire eels so might be ok..

As for stocking it depends what way you want to go? Do you want to go into an african tank or do you want to make a random tank with all sorts of cichlids?

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Thanks for the reply my tank is sitting on 7.5 as my tanks normaly do, So far they seem to be getting along great even willing to share a cave to hide in.

I did have two oscars with the pleco and fire eel but things did not go right at all so it ended up best for all fish concerned to take the oscar's back to their original owners.

I'm not entirely sure on a random tank or african tank, I think I am leaning towards an african tank but I'm very open to suggestions.

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That sounds like exactly what I want. So far I quite like electric blues, electric yellows, red empress, bumblebees & auratus would these guys get on ok? and what others would you recommend? :)

As I said I'm very open to suggestion's as theres probably many I've not even thought of lol

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Heres my tank and an example with photos of what is around..

http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/1-vt31 ... sc&start=0

Electric blues (fryeri) can get a bit big and grumpy for a 4ft tank, however I breed mine in a 2.5ft section of a 4ft and they seem fine they do have a bit of a bad rep though maybe I have laid back ones? Red empresses are peaceful as but can prefer a bit of swimming space when they get bigger (they get pretty big but that takes time). Bumblebee's get huge I had a 20cm male he was laid back but I had no girls with him I would say they get too big for a 4ft but you would get away with it while smaller. I would stay away from auratus they are down right nasty typical melo's and would probably be a nightmare in a tank that small.

Have a look through the link I posted it might give you some good ideas..

All the above is just my opinions other people will have different ones..

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you that has been very helpful I've been doing alot of research over the last week and deciding what I should go for. I do have one more question though, the ones that really stand out for me are jewels do you think they would be ok with zebras?

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