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eaten demi


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found a demi on the weekend that has no tail left and its a big one something has been scoffing it this is the second one in a month he is still swimming around with his stub but dont think he will last long i wonder who is doing it maybe i should get my new tank going and split the fish up ?

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I can't see any of them actually chewing their tails off.. Are they male or female fish? Big or small? Do you still have babies surviving in the tank?

Have you noticed any of the big ones being overly agro?

I suspect that your biggest male or 2 are being overly aggressive and injuring smaller males causing fin rot and that is the cause. I have found in my tank I have 6-7 males once they matured and slowly 3 of them have taken over places in the tank and killed off all the rest. It still works with the reduced numbers because they don't kill of the remaining females. 300L should be ample room for them.

Don't bother putting him in his own tank if they tail is gone it wont ever grow back, I have a tail less one in my big tank that gets along just fine.

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if it is fin rot and it certainly does look like it now should i get it out of the tank i have checked all the water parameters and they are fine all the other fish are fine as well and lots of little demi swimming around and some yellows

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If its fin rot and its still there you need to remove him/her and treat it.. Drop meth blue directly onto it over a bucket or something (it stains so be careful).

From there you can add it back to your big tank you run the risk of it being beaten up again but you don't have to rearrange all your rocks like you would if you took it out to another tank...

Or you can take it out to its own tank get it healthy and try and reintroduce it, but you will have to rearrange your tank and probably introduce it at night so it has a chance.

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i have had a girafe & cobalt blue loose their tales (at different times) due to being beaten & harrassed. The worst was the giraffe which lost all its fins & literally was getting moved around the tank by the water current. Both fish grew them back & are healthy like nothing happened. I put them in a small tank alone & after about a week they were alot better. i feed very minimally & added a little epsom salt to the water.

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Have had them have their tails chewed down before and had them mostly grow back, haven't seen one grow back exactly the same though always shorter.. And had a dem that had the tail bitten right off and it was tailless for the 2 months I had it seperate and went back into my tank with no tail. In that case there was nothing left to regrow it was chewed off right down to the body.

I think it depends how badly the tail is gone and if there is any fin to grow back at all from the first description the tail had been eaten off. It now it sounds like fin rot which is fixable with some chance of some tail regrowing.

Hopefully doch will keep us updated with how things progress :)

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well a week has gone by now and he is still going and is eating well has been chased around but looks healthy but tail gone where will i get meth blue from ? maybe a chemist remember i am 100km from a one horse town with no fish shop :lol:

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Meth blue would probably only be avaliable from a petshop..

Is the tail gone and stopped rotting now (no white edge to it) or is it still there partially?

Congrats on the yellow's breeding, the peacocks should be well and truly into it by now as well maybe you just haven't noticed them?

re the cobalts they should be ok in your tank do remember they get big and bossy (typical zebra's) my male cobalt i probably one of the top fish in my big mixed tank.

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