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Sick goldfish?


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Hi everyone

I noticed my goldfish sitting on the bottom of the tank on a lean so got closer and he swam to the top and it looked like he took a gulp of air and created bubbles then drifted to the bottom without moving anything and hit the bottom did the same thing again. I gave the goldfish some food he ate a fair few flakes then same thing over again(there are 2 other goldfish in tank and doing fine).

Any ideas why this is happening please?


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I've got a sick goldie of my own at the moment (dumped here by some inconsiderate so-and-so's) who was having trouble swimming too.

I've got the fish in a small tank with a gentle flow, and I'm dosing about 1/4tsp Epsom salts daily in a tank which is approx 450x300x300. When I started this it did some pretty nasty-looking slimy bubbly business from it's back end, and then started swimming a bit better and eating. I then gave him half a shelled pea as per Caryl's advice. I'm presuming he's either got a stomach disorder or a swim bladder problem.

The fish has perked up quite a bit but he loses ground if I discontinue the Epsom salts. He's getting 50% waterchanges a day as the tank is not really big enough for him.

You can probably find Epsom Salts at your local garden centre in the fertiliser aisle, our local sells Tui brand Magnesium Sulphate, for combating yellowing of leaves.

Good luck with it.

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