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:cry: Hi to all I am all new to this website I hope someone can help me. I live in Hokitika and there is not really anywhere to go to get medications of advice for fish. I have a 100ltr tank with 4 commets they seemed to be doing fine until my mother in law brought me a oranda for my Birthday. I noticed the Oranda had swimming problems like nose diving and he had 3 white dots on top of his head in a couple of days he had more white dots with a bit of stingy sort of cotton stuff coming off a couple of them so I put him in another tank feed him peas and is on the 4th day of melifix I only just found out I should of quarinened him first. So it looks like white spots are getting better but he still floats to the top and would go right over if he didnt correct himself any suggestions on this. Now in my 100ltr tank the my commets started showing sighns of stress lying on the bottom a couple have devaloped alot of red bloody veins or streaks through there tails. Ammonia was high and ph low have finally got that down ph 6.6 ammonia 0.25 nitrite 0 nitrate 20. Is the streaks an indication of ammonia poison. All 4 fish lye on the bottom one of them swims in circles he is blined but has never done this. the other some times swims but gets nowhere. What can I do please please help :cry:
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Hi loveie and welcome. Sorry to hear you are having problems. Perhaps our member Vinson massif can help you as he too, lives in Hokitika (just so you know you aren't alone over there and there are other fish keepers :wink: )

Goldfish grow large and are very messy fish that produce a lot of waste. 100L is not big enough for 3 comets, let alone the new addition. Of course, they might be all right at the moment as I don't know how small they are.

Sounds like the oranda may have had problems and has spread it to the other fish. Can you take photos of them? It is always easier to tell what is happening from photographs.

White spot is a disease caused by stress. Have a look here to learn about it.

The red streaks could be a result of earlier ammonia poisoning or finrot. Look at the description here and see if that fits.

In the long run, I prefer to see comets in ponds. They are a streamlined fish meant for fast swimming and they can't do this to their full potential in a tank. Have you thought of building a pond? 8) :wink:

Is the fish really blind or do you just presume so as it is is going in circles?

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Hi so glad to hear from you will will try and take some photos later not too good at that. I have been thinking of letting my fish go to a friends pond I think I will they are very fast and do feel guilty but still glad I rescued them the blind one has no eyes at all he was like it when I got him. My 4 fish are still not happy. They started lurking on the bottom after they finished breeding again and the oranda was added 2 days before they had more eggs. just want to fix these guys up so they can go to the pond. I just dont know what to do next if I should add anything to there tank or what. The oranda seems to be happy most of the time but is still floating at the top any suggestion on what to do for him. I also have another tank with 8 commets babys form my four that were born 5 months ago they are doing fine fingers crossed. Would be great to talk to the other person in Hokitika too.

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I wonder if they are just stressed and tired from spawning. If the oranda is the only one showing signs of illness (as the comets are showing different signs) I would move the comets to a larger container, or pond. I am sure they are bigger now than when they spawned last year and I think they might be a little cramped. The addition of the new fish was enough to tip the balance.

I haven't seen vinson in here for a while so will try contacting him and asking him to read this then perhaps contact you. I seem to remember he recently re-homed some goldfish too.

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Thanks Caryl I think it may be a bit of stress too. but still concerned about the red streaks in their tails it just doesnt look right and would like to know if there is something else I can do for the oranda that keeps going nose down any more suggestions are very welcomed Thank you.

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Just reduce the feeding and let the fish settle in the new environment. Melafix is not a medication (to me) and a waste of time and money. They don't fix anything. More regular waterchanges is the key to healthy fish. When the water conditions is premium the fish don't get stressed . The immune system of a healthy fish should be able to ward off diseases without resorting to medications which is suppose to be used as a last resort.

Adding a tablespoon of non- iodised salt to 40 litres of water can help the conditions.


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