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Dwarf Flags have spawned


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My male and the larger female have been looking amorous over the past few days, and they obviously had their third date this arvo:


The person I got them off said their pair raised young in a community tank, so might leave them to it this time (and have them probably eat the eggs, but ah well)

I like it when things spawn, even if no babies come out of it 8)

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Awesome work glad you have good stuff happening in your tank.. Raise a few babies I might be keen on some down the line :) Nice photo too..

I don't know about flags in particular but most egg layers take around 3 days to hatch depending on temp etc and around a week to free swimming, good luck they must be doing alright if they've lasted this long, free swimming is the challenge though..

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Just went to check on them, and was like, awwww, the eggs have been eaten, but they've actually hatched and just left shells.

Not sure where all the wrigglers are. Theres a bit of java moss next to the stone where the eggs were laid, and mama flag looks like shes deposited at least some of them down under there, as I could see a couple of wrigglers on the gravel. Hopefully theres more out of sight. Both parents still look attentive :D

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Too cute! I checked them before the lights went out earlier tonight, and they'd decided the gravel wasn't good, and shifted all the wrigglers to the other side of that round rock and lined them all up in a group on the driftwood. Still a big bunch of them at the moment.

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Shifted again. Went to see and they've hidden them behind the driftwood under the plants in the shade. Can't see wrigglers, but then I can't see anything. The parents are so attentive. Male sitting there, guarding, female chasing away other fish, then they would change over and the female guards and the male would cruise around for a bit.

Can you tell I've never had anything successfully spawn before? Quite exciting for lil ole me

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From what I have read on the net, they often make good parents (compared to rams anyway!)

Not entirely sure how to sex, the guy I got them off did it for me. Gave me 2 females and a male. I remember him saying males having a more pointed dorsal fin. Both my girls were smaller too (but thats obviously not definitive) and the girl who has just bred has gone a very dark, velvety charcoal colour. And they don't seem that aggro. 100% peaceful when not breeding. They are chasing other fish away from the wrigglers now, but not forcing the fish into one corner of the tank or anything. Just the odd "get away!" chase and return.

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I reckon the best bit would be watching the parents raise their babies. If you take the babies out would it make them spawn more than if you left the fry with the parents?

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Yeah thats good way of putting it Cam.

In my 170 litre, with 5 hatchetts, a pair of blue rams and a dwindling population of cardinals (down to 8 and 1 neon now, see my thread in diseases. Only lost cardinals and all the rummies, hasn't affected my other fish)

Don't really want to disturb them ryanjury. Parents might abandon what I leave :-? They're doing such a good job, not to mention where they are now I can't see, let alone jam a siphon down there. If they fail, and spawn again in future, I might try it then, but not this time.

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Every time I interupt with a fish with eggs or fry they die. I had a spawn of fighter fry and only thought there was 10-15 so I didn't do water change as I thought they couldn't make too much mess as I was only feeding a tiny bit for them and it turned out there was about 200 and I manage to raise about 180 of them :roll: and the spawn I made a big fuss about had 200 to start with and I only managed to raise about 75. Also 2 spawns of BN eggs I interfered (sp) and none of them hatched :cry:

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180!!! wow! and 75, still, thats a lot of fighters lol

Was going to ask you what you had raised. Do you have any dwarf cichlids? I tried to raise dwarf gourami fry, but they all got to free swimming then perished and I tried ram eggs once. Had them hatch and wriggling, then I dropped java moss into the bare bottom tank they were in and they went into it and were never seen again :wink:

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Yeah it will be good to watch them, however I don't hold much hope for many or any surviving once they start swimming, although the parents try their best to control them the schooling fish are quite fast and the babies do stray. However like you say you loose nothing by giving it a go maybe they will do a good job, and they will spawn again..

Removing the fry can help them to start looking at breeding again, generally in a month or so they will anyway and will chase away and/or eat any babies from their initial batch.

With cichlids you can quite successfully remove some of the babies without putting the parents off the rest, you do run the risk of them eating them or a complete failure at raising the babies if you do.. And you also don't get to enjoy the parents looking after the young :)

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180!!! wow! and 75, still, thats a lot of fighters lol

Was going to ask you what you had raised. Do you have any dwarf cichlids? I tried to raise dwarf gourami fry, but they all got to free swimming then perished and I tried ram eggs once. Had them hatch and wriggling, then I dropped java moss into the bare bottom tank they were in and they went into it and were never seen again :wink:

Yeah but 180 fighters isn't the best thing because they take up all my tanks so I can't breed anything else (like my panda corys I just got) and they're actually really hard to get rid of. I've only got a male gold ram (his 2 girls sadly died recently and I can't find any others :cry: ). I use to have blue rams but sadly I had to get rid of them as they were a bit aggro (they were 2 males but I didn't know until I got rid of them), and I may get some dwarf flags 8).

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I'm thinking of getting some dwarf flags. How many would I need and what sexes should I get if I get the choice? I'd like for them to breed (I've always wanted to watch some sort of cichlid raise it's fry). If I get 1 male and 1 females will they pair up or do I need 2 females? Also are the females the same colours as the males?

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Do you have any dwarf cichlids?

I now have gold rams, a pair of dwarf flag cichlids and a pair of triple red dwarf cockatoos. I want some babies of them now 8)

How are the babies going?

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I now have gold rams, a pair of dwarf flag cichlids and a pair of triple red dwarf cockatoos. I want some babies of them now 8)

How are the babies going?

lol thats awesome :) Where did you get all of them from? Did you get normal or balloon ram's? And any pic's of the cockatoo's?

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The dwarfs and cockatoos are from the lfs and the ram is the balloon type (I like them better even though no one else does :roll: ). I just need to find the ram a new girl as his last 2 died even though nothing was wrong with them. I get pics and post them on a different thread (sorry fior stealing yours Rozski)

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